Commemorate Life

Anniversary Rings
The practice of presenting loved ones with rings can be traced back to ancient Egypt. Egyptians would give rings to their life partners to symbolize their love and devotion to one another. While rings are still traditional anniversary gifts, rings are now given to commemorate many of life’s special moments. If you are looking for a unique and customized gift, consider incorporating one of the following ideas to make it extra special.

  • Gemstones. You can create a special birthday ring featuring hers or her children’s birthstones.
  • Three stone ring. This symbolizes the past, present, and future.
  • Symbolic number of stones. An example is a five stone ring for a five year anniversary or a three stone ring for having 3 children. The possibilities and ideas are endless.

Including a special meaning personalizes the ring for the wearer and is a reminder of that special part of life.

Anjolee would be happy to help you create your special customized ring. Call 877-265-6533 to speak with us or browse our selection by visiting:

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