Show Your Ears Some Love

Did you hear with your pretty little ear? Anjolee’s dropped a new line of glamorous earrings to showcase what might be the most underrated spot for diamonds—the ears! Put that hair up and get ready to show off these pieces this summer.

Unique Fashionable Luxury Diamond Drop Earrings


If these earrings don’t make you want to turn your head side to side to show them off, then I honestly just don’t know what will. Blending the classic drop with a modern touch of design, these are part of the Legendary collection and boast a total 2.47ct.

Luxury Diamond Drop Earrings


Hello multiple diamond drops! These chandelier earrings contain a ton of gorgeous round diamonds and a 3.93ct weight. Everywhere you look, diamonds are dropping!

Fashionable Diamond Drop Earrings


These princess cut diamonds were so beautifully places together that they just had to frame them…twice! The round diamonds that make up the outside borders draw attention to the larger princess cut diamonds in the center. These exquisite symmetric earrings will only complement your beautiful face!

Fashionable Classic Diamond Drop Earrings


So beautiful they could bring teardrops to your eyes. These classic teardrop earrings are a perfectly composed consortium of round diamonds bordered by smaller round diamonds. Guaranteed to make you feel like a glamorous movie star from another time, every time.

What do you think?

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