Diamond Anatomy: The Unique Properties That Make Each One Special

Every diamond, no matter its shape or size, shares a basic structure. However, each individual diamond will have its own distinct set of properties and proportions that defines its diamond anatomy. Take a look at the diagram and then we’ll break down a diamond’s anatomy and explain what each term means.

Diamond AnatomyDiamond Crown

The uppermost portion of the diamond crown measures from the top edge of the girdle (more on that in a bit) to the table. This is the portion that most people care about because it allows light to enter into the diamond and gives it brightness. This is what causes the ‘shimmer’ that so many people are looking for.

Diamond Cutlet

The cutlet is a small facet at the bottom most part of a diamond to prevent abrasion and/or chipping. It allows for light to escape the bottom. The cutlet shouldn’t be visible to the eye, but it can make quite an impact on the appearance of the ring.

Diamond Depth

The depth of a diamond (or the height of the diamond) is another piece that many people care about. This is measured from the tablet to the cutlet. The depth percentage, impacts how light reflects off the different facets of the stone. We determine this with a mathematical equation. Unfortunately, there isn’t an ‘ideal’ depth as it will depend on the shape of the diamond.

Diamond Diameter

The diameter of a diamond impacts sparkle, which is something most people will agree really matters. This is the width of the polished stone, and is measured from edge to edge. This can drastically change the look of a stone, and some will be deemed ‘too big’ or ‘too small’ based on this measurement.

Diamond Girdle

The girdle is the meeting point of the crown and pavilion. This area shouldn’t be too thin or there is an increased chance of chipping. However, if it is too thick, the diamond may appear smaller. There needs to be a perfect union to help make the diamond look its best. When there are symmetry issues, it is blamed on the girdle.

Diamond Pavilion

The pavilion of a diamond is the bottom half or the underside of the diamond. Sometimes this is visible, sometimes it isn’t. The pavilion can have facets, which will dictate how light bounces and increases the brilliance of the diamond.

Diamond Table

Finally, the diamond’s table is the large, flat facet of the stone that you see when looking from above. It is, by and large, one of the most important parts of the diamond’s quality. This is what you see, so it will help to determine how brilliant a diamond is.

Anjolee Signature Diamond

The Anjolee Signature Diamond is a quality standard that distinguishes our products in terms of excellence, perfection, expertise, and assurance. Anjolee issues a Certificate of Authenticity for all of our diamond jewelry, which details its characteristics and properties, including diamond color, clarity, cut, carat weight, shape, diameter, number of stones, polish, fluorescence, metal type, and appraisal value.

Related: When It Comes To Diamonds, Shape Is Everything

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