Spotlight on Gemstones
From stunning green emeralds to blazing red rubies and soothing blue topaz, one of the hottest jewelry trends in 2019 is gemstones, according to Anjolee’s jewelry specialists.
“Many customers are inquiring about our gemstone designs and ordering some of our striking pieces to add to their jewelry collections,” says Anjolee Jewelry Specialist Marilyn DuPont. “Diamonds are still a favorite, of course, but gemstones are certainly having their moment in the spotlight right now.”
Anjolee has been the leader in jewelry manufacturing since 1977 and we are recognized within the industry for our fine craftsmanship, attention to detail and excellent customer service. Our jewelry specialists are knowledgeable experts who take a personalized approach with every customer. It is that commitment that earned Anjolee a top ranking in Newsweek’s America’s Best Customer Service 2019 survey.
Our knowledgeable jewelry specialists are not surprised that gemstones are a hit with customers. Anjolee’s gemstone and diamond jewelry designs are not only magnificently colorful, but incredibly glamorous and elegant.
Our gemstone jewelry is perfect as gifts for anniversaries, birthdays and other special occasions, or simply as a stylish piece to add to your own jewelry collection. Gemstone jewelry can also be as unique and personalized as you like.
“One of my favorite customer stories is when we customized a gemstone bracelet for a husband who wanted to purchase a bracelet with different types of gemstones. Each gemstone represented birth months for him, his wife and their three children. The bracelet was not only unique and beautiful, but something that his wife will cherish always,” says Marilyn.
Anjolee’s jewelers have analyzed the numbers so far for 2019 and gemstone designs are clearly among some of the top sellers. Here are our top 5:
Eternally Yours Gemstone Eternity Band
Three-Row Princess Gemstone and Round Diamond Fashion Ring
Classic Four-Prong Round Gemstone Stud Earrings
Gemstone Dreams Diamond Tennis Bracelet
Oval Shaped Gemstone and Diamond Earrings
We are not the only ones noticing this trend. BRIDES Magazine notes that the millennial generation has shifted their interest to gemstone engagement rings, vs. the more traditional diamond-only designs. The magazine found that precious gemstones – emeralds, rubies and sapphires – are trending with that age group.
Of course, one aspect that makes purchasing a gemstone engagement ring appealing is the cost. Choosing a large center gemstone, for example, vs. a large center diamond, can certainly make purchasing an engagement ring easier on the wallet.
Celebrities are also hot for gemstones, although they obviously lay down more cash than millennials. Katy Perry fans, for example, went absolutely crazy when the singer posted a picture of her $5 million gemstone engagement ring on Instagram (with fiancé Orlando Bloom, of Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean fame, peeking from behind).
There are also other famous gemstone rings that are worth noting. From Princess Diana’s blue sapphire engagement ring that is now worn by Kate Middleton, to Jackie Kennedy’s emerald engagement ring that cost John F. Kennedy over a million dollars – check out the list of some of the most famous engagement rings in history.
Did You Know?
There are many myths and legends about the healing properties of birthstones, including heightened powers. Discover the meaning behind your birthstone:
January – Garnet
Garnets represent friendship. According to legend, garnets improve your personal relationships and protect you from harm. This benefit supposedly doubles if your birthday is in January. Often used as good luck charms by the European bourgeoisie in the 18th and 19th centuries, garnets are also thought to assure the wearer of love, devotion from loved ones, health, faithfulness and energy.
February – Amethyst
Fine amethysts are featured in the British Crown Jewels. They were once believed to prevent drunkenness and protect people from contagious diseases, as well as to give courage, bring victories to soldiers in battle, and attract favors from those in high places.
March – Aquamarine
Aquamarine is named after sea water, as it sparkles like the sea and its color is light to medium blue. Aquamarines were believed to assure love, affection, youth, and health to the wearer of this stone.
April – Diamond
This stone’s name comes from the Greek word adamas, which means unconquerable. Therefore, the gift of a diamond suggests eternal love, and the ancient Greeks even used the stone as their traditional symbol of love. A diamond’s powers are said to include healing properties as well.
May – Emerald
Emerald is derived from the Greek word smaragdus, which means green. It is believed to signify rebirth and good fortune.
June – Pearl and Alexandrite
For many centuries, the sparkling beauty of a strand of pearls has been used for adornment. The ancient Greeks believed that wearing pearls would promote marital bliss and prevent newlywed women from crying. The pearl is known to many as a symbol of wisdom, wealth, faith, knowledge, and innocence. It has been said that if you wear a pearl next to the skin, it will give off a vibration that has healing properties.
Alexandrite is a fairly modern birthstone as it was discovered in Russia during 1831. Green or purple in color and with slight fluorescence, this gemstone may also appear to change color under different lighting conditions.
July – Ruby
This scarlet-colored gem is said to bring health, happiness, wisdom, and particularly good luck to gamblers and lovers. Ruby is regarded as a regal and sacred gem. In ancient India, the ruby was called “the king of gems.” It was said that if you dreamed of a ruby, it indicated success in business and good fortune in money matters.
August – Peridot
Peridot is rare, and one of the few gemstones to come in only one color, green. The Peridot is said to symbolize the sun and brings power and influence to those who wear it.
September – Sapphire
Sapphire symbolizes sincerity and faithfulness. Regal and sacred, sapphires were worn by kings and queens for good luck. Their blue color is believed to symbolize heaven, and sapphires were believed to promote peace and happiness between lovers, and promote good health.
October – Opal
Opals were once said to bring good fortune because they possessed the colors and powers of all gemstones. Some say that an opal has a soul of its own, and that it attunes its soul to that of the person who wears it. Due to its propensity for color change, the opal is said to indicate the fortune of the wearer. In this way, bright colors are said to indicate good fortune and success, while dull and lifeless colors warn of disappointment and failure.
November – Topaz and Citrine
Topaz is known as the “stone of strength.” It has been said that topaz is a protector from travel accidents, prevents injury due to fire, and rids the wearer of fears. It has also been associated with bringing enchantments bringing wealth, and connection with the universe.
Citrines are said to support vitality and health.
December – Tanzanite
Tanzanite was discovered during the late 1960s in Tanzania and is found exclusively in this tiny area of the world. The gemstone is said to unite the higher mind with intuition and communication.