When you want to give the gift of jewelry but want to keep it a surprise, follow these five tips and your wishes will come true!
1) Browse an online jewelry store, using a secured shopping site and place your order directly over the internet. Make sure to use an email address for your order that the person you are giving the gift to does not have access to. File the electronic receipt rather than printing it and possibly leaving it around to be discovered.
2) Change the ship to address to either your work address or the address of a friend or neighbor. This way, the person will not have the chance to sign for a package and wonder what’s inside of it.
3) Choose something he/she will never expect! If they have been mentioning an item they would love to have but would never buy for them, find a way to buy it for them. Your attention to details will not go unnoticed!
4) Throw them off track– Drop strategic hints about wanting to get him/her something completely different. Don’t be too obvious, subtly goes a long way!
5) When you get your jewelry item, wrap it in something inconspicuous or oddly shaped. For example, if you bought a pair of diamond earrings, put the earrings inside a larger container before you wrap it. To keep the suspense going even longer, use the packaging from something else you would likely get.